You made some very good points. I especially agree with the one that speaks to getting someone else to read over the piece before it is shared. I do not know if you are editor to any publications but you can end up seeing quite a few of these types of stories. As a helper editor on two small pubs, I try to assist as much as possible when I am reviewing a draft and I realize that the writer is not a native English tongue speaker. I suspect that they get frustrated with me at times. I ask a lot of questions and make a lot of suggestions. But I say, if I cannot understand it, no one else might. I have written a story that spoke about this.
Thank you for sharing this piece, I understand how you feel;
It would be unfair for anyone to think you racist or any other colourful noun or adjective that we know can be used.
One of the things that I notice some publications do, which is unfair to the writer, is that they still share the piece; I think if they are not going to assist the writer in making his or her piece better for reading and understanding, please do not accept it in your publication.