Worn Down and Worn Out
A sad Tanka
Saturated sponge
Air spaces leave no traces
Your darkness mutes me
Happy bubbles all now gone
Your nonresponses portend
© I. Trudie Palmer
One Love
Author’s note:-
In keeping with my 3 for 1 rule, I wanted my sad piece to be as short as possible. This 31-syllable piece, called a Tanka did the trick. I was searching for just 7, maybe next time
A Tanka is a Japanese poem consisting of five lines, the first and third of which have five syllables and the others, seven. It is said to give the complete idea of an event or mood.
I also found several fine examples of Tankas on Medium; I share my favourites here:-
Anne Chisom shared a piece on emotions, specifically, jealousy. We have all been that green-eyed monster at some point in our lives:-
And the venerable Patrick M. Ohana shared a piece on his relationship with AI. I am still trying to decide on my own feelings. But since AI is not going anywhere, I might as well get accustomed to it in my life.
And finally, after dogs and humans, my next favourite living breathing organisms are trees. Alex Godley beautifully expressed how I feel about them.