I want to sincerely thank you for this article. I recently wrote a piece that fortunately or unfortunately was one that went viral on Medium. The comments starting coming in and after one that really upset my balance, I decided to to stop reading and responding to them; I just gave persons the platform to voice their opinions. I would see the notification in my feed and say.....hmm.. but I never read the comments. Then you saw your name as someone who commented on my story. Something, and we both know what it is, told me to click on your profile ( I have never been led to click on the profiles of any of the other clappers, or commenters except for the first two or three) and I saw the story pinned to your profile. My guides wanted my to read this. When I was done, all 11 minutes of it, I felt changed. I felt the power of knowing, of clarity and guidance that surrounds me. I thank them for leading me to your piece and thank your guides for leading you to write it in the first place. They knew it was something I really really needed to read!
thank you, thank you, thank you!