Living the Yabba Pot Lifestyle
Every culture has its story
You: Yabba Pot lifestyle? What is that? Question asked with wide curious eyes.
Me: A Yabba pot is an earthenware cooking utensil used for making Ital Food. It is made from local clay and fired in a kiln until it is baked and ready for use.
You: Ital Food? What is that? Eyes even wider, brimming with interest.
Me: Ital food is the name that Rastafarians use to describe their way of cooking. Everything earthical — no meat, lots of coconut milk, and no salt unless it came naturally from the earth, from grun’ provisions
You: Grun’ provisions? Now, what is that? Eyes really popping now.
You: But hey, I know what is Rastafarian — Bob Marley and Reggae music. Eyes smugly smiling.
Having a curious mind is a sign of great intelligence. How curious are you?