interesting stuff, Winston; keeps persons like me from getting bored; always something to reach for. I enjoy the evolving nature of this platform.

I remember before the emphasis was more heavily placed on tags, under the different topics, you were able to see who was the selected featured writer for that period, usually 12-18 hours.

So once you had a piece CfFDed and you knew under which topic, you were able to check to see if it made you 'featured writer' for that period.

So in a way, they are going back to something that they did; I used to be able to connect to many great writers using that featured method.

Ilis Trudie Palmer
Ilis Trudie Palmer

Written by Ilis Trudie Palmer

Energy, Creativity, Spirituality, the Great E.S.C; One dose of upfulness in each story or poem or song lyric.

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