An Apology to my Followers
Heartfelt and sincere
I was so busy writing and trying to build a following that I did not engage with many of the persons who chose to follow me. I hung my head in disappointment and a bit of self-loathing when my Spirit Guides brought this to my realization.
They kept showing me this one story and though I read it and commented; (it was a nice piece. It deserved the fifty claps it received) it kept appearing all over my feed.
Early listening to my intuition has gotten me out of a bind or two but this time I was so hell-bent on making it, and getting my message out that I had turned down my signal to that part of me that always guide — always gently, never pushing, just showing the path of least resistance.
This morning, after my meditation and yoga, I went to look at my stories and stats and all of the other things that this platform causes us to obsess about. While browsing, a clear image of that story — the same one that had been chasing me came back. Then it dawned on me.
My eyes opened grew large and my lips made a wide O which I quickly covered with fingers laced with shame.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” I asked my Guides.
They shrugged and smiled. “We are telling you now. Be a part of the community that you have joined. It is a give and take, not a take and take…..”
I said thank you and duly chastised, I spent the rest of the morning happily reading and enjoying the stories of my fellow writers.